Tuesday, 28 September 2010

στοιχειθετούν ποινικό αδίκημα και που αν επαναληφθούν θα καταφύγουμε στα ποινικά δικαστήρια.


Επειδή κάποιοι ανόητοι Έλληνες "συνάδελφοι" διασπείρουν από καιρό σε καιρό, 
εδώ στην Ελλάδα, ανόητες φήμες ότι δήθεν πρέπει να πληρώσεις χρήματα για να δημοσιεύσεις άρθρα στα περιοδικά μας
ή ότι δήθεν πρέπει να έρθεις πρώτα στο συνέδριο μας για να περάσεις άρθρο στα περιοδικά μας. 
Δηλώνουμε ότι πρόκειται για ΣΥΚΟΦΑΝΤΙΕΣ και ΛΑΣΠΗ του χειρίστου είδους που στοιχειθετούν ποινικό αδίκημα
και που αν επαναληφθούν θα καταφύγουμε στα ποινικά δικαστήρια.

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Thursday, 18 February 2010

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    Thursday, 28 January 2010

    Professors against Plagiarism in IRAN http://professorsagainstplagiarism.blogspot.com/

    Senior officials in the Iranian government are suspected of plagiarizing
    published scientific content for political gain.
    Nature, the international weekly journal of science, reported last week that
    its research unearthed even more plagiarism allegations against prominent
    figures in Iran. The first person to be implicated more than a year ago was
    Masumeh Ebtekar, the head of the Environmental Protection Organization under
    President Khatami.
    A few months ago, Nature tabbed Transport Minister Hamid Behbahani, who
    supervised President Ahmadi-nejad's doctoral thesis, for plagiarism in a
    paper he co-authored. Nature says the paper appeared based on three earlier
    articles by three different authors. The journal Transport retracted the
    paper in October, but the Iranian government has not investigated the
    Behbahani told the public he did not plagiarize and that only parts of the
    article were identical to earlier work. He called the plagiarism allegations
    a "media attack, far from fairness and integrity" and "an illegitimate
    The Majlis did, however, informally investigate Science Minister Kamran
    Daneshjou and the four papers he co-authored. Daneshjou oversaw this year's
    elections in his previous post of deputy interior minister. The Majlis
    Science and Education Committee held an informal inquiry into the case and
    dismissed it after Daneshjou's colleague and co-author, Majid Shahravi, took
    responsibility for the content in the papers. Three of the four papers have
    been retracted from publications. The fourth paper was published in an
    Iranian journal.

    Nature speculates that the frequent cases of plagiarism in Iran are partly
    the result of poor fluency in English. Nature said the culture in Iran and
    some other developing countries expects officials to have strong academic
    credentials. That encourages resort to plagiarism to uphold this cultural
    expectation and gain promotions.
    Nature notes many of Iran's best scientists left Iran after the 1979 Islamic
    revolution because universities were asked to eliminate Western influences
    and staff. Iranian research improved and became more credible in the late
    1990s with the help of President Mohammad Khatami who made academic
    appointments based on merit, Nature said. It said research in Iran has gone
    downhill since Ahmadi-nejad took power in 2005 because political influence
    directed promotions within universities.


    Saturday, 16 January 2010

    Biography of Prof. LOTFI A. ZADEH

    Biography of Prof. LOTFI A. ZADEH

    LOTFI ZADEH was born in Baku, Azerbaijan SSR, to a Russian Jewish mother (Fanya Koriman) who was a pediatrician, and an Iranian Azeri father from Ardabil who was a journalist on assignment from Iran.[1] However, at the age of ten, when Joseph Stalin introduced collectivization of farms throughout the Soviet Union, the Zadeh family moved to Iran, his father's homeland.

    Zadeh grew up in Iran, and studied at Alborz High School. After high school, he sat for the national university exams and placed second in the entire country. In 1942, he graduated from the University of Tehran with a degree in electrical engineering (Fanni), and moved to the United States in 1944. He received an MS degree in electrical engineering from MIT in 1946, and a PhD in electrical engineering from Columbia University in 1949. [1]

    Zadeh taught for ten years at Columbia University, was promoted to Full Professor in 1957, and has taught at the University of California, Berkeley since 1959. He published his seminal work on fuzzy sets in 1965 in which he detailed the mathematics of fuzzy set theory. In 1973 he proposed his theory of fuzzy logic.

    Zadeh is noted to be "quick to shrug off nationalism, insisting there are much deeper issues in life", where he himself is quoted stating: "The question really isn't whether I'm American, Russian, Iranian, Azarbaijani, or anything else. I've been shaped by all these people and cultures and I feel quite comfortable among all of them."[2]

    Zadeh also notes in the same interview from which the above quote is taken: "Obstinacy and tenacity. Not being afraid to get embroiled in controversy. That's very much a Turkish tradition. That's part of my character, too. I can be very stubborn. That's probably been beneficial for the development of Fuzzy Logic."[3]

    Zadeh is married to Fay Zadeh and has two children, Stella Zadeh and Norman Zadeh.


    In 1994 he was inducted as a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery. He was awarded the IEEE Medal of Honor in 1995 "For pioneering development of fuzzy logic and its many diverse applications."

    Zadeh has a long list of achievements, including

    * In 1993 Azarbaijan bestowed him an honorary Professorship from the Azarbaijan State Oil Academy.

    but the awards Zadeh has received since 2003, include:

    * Outstanding Contribution Award, Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC), Halifax, Canada, 2003.
    * Wall of Fame, Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (HNF), Paderborn, Germany, 2004.
    * Civitate Honoris Causa, Budapest Tech Polytechnical Institution, Budapest, Hungary; Sept. 4, 2004.
    * Doctor Honoris Causa, Muroran Institute of Technology, Muroran, Japan; Oct. 29, 2004.
    * Doctor Honoris Causa, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China; Nov. 9, 2004.
    * V. Kaufmann Prize and Gold Medal, International Association for Fuzzy-Set Management and Economy (SIGEF), Barcelona, Spain, Nov. 15, 2004.
    * Foreign member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2005.
    * Nicolaus Copernicus Medal of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2005.
    * J. Keith Brimacombe IPMM Award in recognition of his development of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic, 2005.
    * Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; Jan. 29, 2007.
    * Richard E. Bellman Control Heritage Award
    * Doctor Honoris Causa, Ryerson University, Toronto , Ontario, Canada; June 10 2008.

    Zadeh's most recent recognition comes from The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Lotfi Zadeh receives the 2009 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Electrical Engineering for inventing and developing the field of “fuzzy logic,” in which a system applies a quantitative assessment to inherently ambiguous ideas, thus providing a new paradigm to improve artificial intelligence and automated control systems.

    Because of the importance of the relaxation of Aristotelian logic, which opens up applicability of rational methods to the majority of practical situations without dichotomous truth values, Zadeh is one of the most referenced authors in the fields of applied mathematics and computer science, but – as noted below – his contributions are not limited to fuzzy sets and systems.
    Fuzzy sets and systems

    Aristotle introduced the laws of thought, which consisted of three fundamental laws:

    * Principle of identity
    * Law of the excluded middle
    * Law of contradiction.

    The law of the excluded middle states that for all propositions p, either p or ~p must be true, there being no middle true proposition between them. This should not be confused with the principle of bivalence, which states that either p must be true or false.

    Jan Łukasiewicz was the first to propose a systematic alternative to the bi-valued logic of Aristotle and described the 3-valued logic, with the third value being Possible. Zadeh, in his theory of fuzzy sets, proposed using a membership function (with a range covering the interval [0,1]) operating on the domain of all possible values. He proposed new operations for the calculus of logic and showed that fuzzy logic was a generalisation of classical and Boolean logic. He also proposed fuzzy numbers as a special case of fuzzy sets, as well as the corresponding rules for consistent mathematical operations (fuzzy arithmetic).
    Other contributions

    Lotfi Zadeh is also credited, along with John R. Ragazzini, in 1952, with having pioneered the development of the z-transform method in discrete time signal processing and analysis. These methods are now standard in digital signal processing, digital control, and other discrete-time systems used in industry and research.

    Zadeh's latest work includes computing with words and perceptions. His recent papers include From Search Engines to Question-Answering Systems—The Role of Fuzzy Logic, Progress in Informatics, No. 1, 1-3, 2005; and Toward a Generalized Theory of Uncertainty (GTU)—An Outline, Information Sciences, Elsevier, Vol. 172, 1-40, 2005.

    Zadeh wrote several articles. A selection:

    * 1965. Fuzzy sets. Information and Control. 1965; 8: 338–353.
    * 1965. Fuzzy sets and systems. In: Fox J, editor. System Theory. Brooklyn, NY: Polytechnic Press, 1965: 29–39.
    * 1972. A fuzzy-set-theoretical interpretation of linguistic hedges. Journal of Cybernetics 1972; 2: 4–34.
    * 1973. Outline of a new approach to the analysis of complex systems and decision processes. IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1973; 3: 28–44.
    * 1974. Fuzzy logic and its application to approximate reasoning. In: Information Processing 74, Proc. IFIP Congr. 1974 (3), pp. 591–594.
    * 1975. Fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning. Synthese, 1975; 30: 407–428.
    * 1975. Calculus of fuzzy restrictions. In: Zadeh LA, Fu KS, Tanaka K, Shimura M, editors. Fuzzy Sets and their Applications to Cognitive and Decision Processes. New York: Academic Press, 1975: 1–39.
    * 1975. The concept of a linguistic variable and its application to approximate reasoning, I-III, Information Sciences 8 (1975) 199–251, 301–357; 9 (1976) 43–80.

    About Lotfi Asker Zadeh

    * Fuzzy Sets and Systems. The main journal of the field which contains many contributions by its founder.
    * Zadeh : From computing with numbers to computing with words — from manipulation of measurements to manipulation of perceptions in International Journal of Applied Math and Computer Science, pp. 307–324, vol. 12, no. 3, 2002.
    * Fay Zadeh. "My Life and Travels with the Father of Fuzzy Logic". 1998, TSI Press, Albuquerque, NM.

    Professors Against Plagiarism

    Professors Against Plagiarism : A professor at Columbia University’s Teachers College who was propelled into the national spotlight when a noose was found on her office door last fall has been found to have plagiarized the work of a former colleague and two former students, the college has announced.

    Madonna G. Constantine

    The college, in statements to the faculty and the news media, said an 18-month investigation into charges against the professor, Madonna G. Constantine, had determined there were “numerous instances in which she used others’ work without attribution in papers she published in academic journals over the past five years.”

    Susan H. Fuhrman, the college’s president, and Thomas James, the provost, informed the faculty of the case, and said that Dr. Constantine had the right to appeal.

    The college said Dr. Constantine was being penalized, but did not say what the penalty was. A spokeswoman for the college, Marcia Horowitz, said Teachers College did not have set rules governing plagiarism or how it should be punished.

    Dr. Constantine, in an e-mail message to faculty and students on Wednesday, called the investigation “biased and flawed,” and said it was part of a “conspiracy and witch hunt by certain current and former members of the Teachers College community.”

    “I am left to wonder whether a white faculty member would have been treated in such a publicly disrespectful and disparaging manner,” she wrote.

    She added, “I believe that nothing that has happened to me this year is coincidental, particularly when I reflect upon the hate crime I experienced last semester involving a noose on my office door. As one of only two tenured black women full professors at Teachers College, it pains me to conclude that I have been specifically and systematically targeted.”

    Dr. Constantine’s lawyer, Paul J. Giacomo Jr., who made Dr. Constantine’s e-mail message available, said in an interview that his client was the one whose work had been plagiarized, and that she would appeal to the college’s faculty advisory committee.

    Paul J. Browne, the Police Department’s chief spokesman, said the newly imposed sanctions on the professor would have little or no influence on what he called “an ongoing investigation” into the hanging of the noose which had been referred last fall to the hates crime unit.

    Ms. Horowitz said the college initiated the investigation more than a year before the noose incident. “It had no bearing on the way the investigation was conducted, its findings or the sanctions imposed,” she said. The sanctions were first reported by The Columbia Spectator, the student newspaper.

    Dr. Constantine, a professor of psychology and education who specializes in the study of how race and racial prejudice can affect clinical and educational dynamics, came to Teachers College in 1998 as an associate professor and earned tenure in 2001.

    In 2006, the chairman of Dr. Constantine’s department, Suniya S. Luthar, passed along to administrators complaints that Dr. Constantine had unfairly used portions of writings by a junior colleague, Christine Yeh, as well as a number of students, Dr. Luthar said in an interview. Teachers College eventually asked Hughes Hubbard & Reed, a law firm, to investigate.

    Dr. Yeh, who is now at the University of San Francisco, said in an interview Wednesday that she had left Teachers College in part because of her differences with Dr. Constantine. She called the college’s determination that there had been plagiarism “an important first step.”

    “I’m really hopeful other people will come forward now,” she said. “When the initial charges were made, there were many students involved who didn’t feel they could follow up. They were too scared, and they were afraid of retribution.”

    Dr. Yeh said that some of her work that had been copied concerned “indigenous healing,” or alternative methods, like acupuncture and Santeria, of dealing with medical and spiritual ailments. She said she has specialized in that subject for years.


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    UNCERTAINTY and INFORMATION (discussion continues)

    Dear Professor Zadeh,

    Please allow me to raise a few questions in regard to your view on the
    concept of uncertainty.

        If I understand you correctly, you would like us to recognize that, 'in
    large measure'(?), there are different theories of different kinds of
    uncertainty. Assuming that your argument can not be refuted, I wonder (a)
    how the uncertainties the adherents of rough set/system theory (Zdzislaw
    Pawlak c.s.) and grey set/system theory (Julong Deng c.s.) are talking about
    differ from each other and from the kind of uncertainty you have been
    concerned with, (b) how, from a fuzzy (or crisp) logic point of view, the
    reasoning of respectively your Polish and Chinese counterparts is to be
    assessed, (c) how probability theory fits in with all this, and (d) whether
    vagueness is just another word for fuzziness, as much as imprecision is
    synonymous with inexactness.

        'The concept of uncertainty may be equated to the concept of information
    granularity', you maintain. Is this 'key assertion' meaning exactly what
    George Klir says in Uncertainty and Information: Foundations of Generalized
    Information Theory (2006): 'Information is anything capable of reducing
    uncertainty'? If uncertainty is indeed directly related to information
    (inversely or otherwise), then we have got ourselves in a difficult
    situation: between the devil and the deep blue sea. For there is also a long
    controversy over the correct definition and ontological status of
    information, a word the origin of which - it tends to be forgotten - can be
    found in the Latin verb 'in-formare', and a word that may prompt the
    philosopher, or the theologian, to ask: 'Who has been the

    I (and presumably other people as well) look forward to receiving your
    gracious response to these perhaps silly questions.

    Respectfully yours,

    Hans Kuijper
    Joliotplaats 5
    3069 JJ Rotterdam
    The Nethelands

    To me, this recent thought-provoking message and Prof. Zadeh's insightful message, taken together, bring to mind something at the "meta" level:  That there are really two aims (or functions) of learning and knowledge, i.e., to understand how things work, and to facilitate (and enhance) survival and life.  

    In other words: the quest for knowledge, and the quest for (and application of) wisdom.

    This thought might seem overly "philosophical" here, but I think it relates well to the present topic, as follows:   

    The "stuff" of the universe itself (nature and its dynamics) is highly interconnected and, in some senses, largely "seamless".  We humans try to choose the "best" ways to define and distinguish between our various terms and concepts, picking where one ends and the other begins in each one's correspondence to the universe itself and relationship to the other -- often with overlaps, imprecision, softness, and so forth.  (See Steven Pinker's "The Stuff of Thought".)  So, why would it be any different in the case of how we define and scope our concepts and terms for the various uncertainties and imprecisions we discover or (when we speak) also generate?  Here, I'm not saying, of course, that all is equal to all else.  Instead, I'm just saying that it may be true that there are as many sorts of such things (i.e., types and senses of uncertainty, imprecision, vagueness, and etc. etc. etc.) as we want to create terms for, or as there are situations in the universe?

    The same, of course, would hold with respect to matters having to do with wisdom ... how to live well.

    If so, then the number of distinct terms/concepts we choose, in order to help us in the two quests mentioned above, will have more to do with their helpfulness and practicality and, perhaps, less to do with how many different sorts of these things actually exist, in reality, in the universe, which is a number that we may not ever know anyhow.

    That said, the differentiations that have been mentioned so far are very helpful, and practical.  Yet, if the above is correct, then we should probably not conclude that there is any "right" and precise answer to the question.  Instead, the aims are those of practicality, clear thinking, and clear communication.  As with other matters, absolute answers are "blowin' in the wind".  

    Happy New Year to All, 

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Stuart H CIV SPAWARSYSCEN-PACIFIC Rubin, 56340" <stuart.rubin@
    To: bisc-group@
    Sent: Thursday, January 7, 2010 9:14:22 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
    Subject: RE: [bisc-group] Uncertainty vs Imprecision

    ********************************************************************* Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC) *********************************************************************
    I would like to expound upon Prof. Zadeh's insightful comments. He writes, among related gems, "A basic misconception is that there is just one kind of uncertainty--probabilistic uncertainty." This raises the question for me at least as to just how many types of uncertainty there are. I would expect that this number might be countably infinite and thus cannot be bounded above. This was suggested to me by certain results in the military study of "deception". I believe this is true because while concepts such as granularity tend to be for the most part domain general, there can be no finite number of ways to limit granular characterizations for an arbitrary domain. Equivalently, the fact that the truth value of an arbitrary statement is undecidable can only mean that the number or types of uncertainty is not finite because otherwise a contradiction would arise. Fast forwarding a bit, I suggest that if there were only a finite number of types of uncertainty, or equivalently only a finite number of possible granular characterizations for an arbitrary domain, then logics and predicate rules would be sufficient to capture all of the uncertainty inherent to the natural world. But, in as much as this cannot be, we are led by the hand to case-based characterizations and thus if one wishes to solve the CW and CW-related problems, one will never find the solution in any logic or first-order calculii. This can only be interpreted to mean that without learning(indemic to case-based methods and some others of course) one cannot solve the CW problem. I would like to conclude with the note that learning by definition must incorporate all of its derivatives (i.e., learning how to learn). This means that any formal definition for intelligence differs from that proposed by Turing. Indeed, intelligence is not based so much on accumulated knowledge, but on "learning how to learn". I see all of this as flowing from Prof. Zadeh's commentary. Comments are welcome. v/r, Stuart Rubin, Ph.D. SSC-PAC Tel.               (619) 553-3554         (619) 553-3554 Fx. (619) 553-1130 E. stuart.rubin@navy.mil -----Original Message----- From: Lotfi A. Zadeh [mailto:zadeh@eecs.berkeley.edu] Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 6:56 PM To: bisc-group@lists.eecs.berkeley.edu Subject: [bisc-group] Uncertainty vs Imprecision Dear Members of the BISC Group. The spirited discussion of the concept of uncertainty within the BISC Group points to a need for differentiation between uncertainty and imprecision. I discussed this issue and its relation to probability and truth in my message of April 27, 2009. I should like to return to the discussion with an improved example. For purposes of differentiation, it is convenient to use an example which involves ethnicity. Assume that Robert's father is German and his mother's parents were German and French. Thus, Robert is 3/4 German and 1/4 French. Suppose that someone asks me: What is Robert's ethnicity. If my answer is: Robert is German, my answer is imprecise or, equivalently, partially true. More specifically, the truth value of my answer is 3/4. No uncertainty is involved. Next, assume that Robert is either German or French, and that I am uncertain about his ethnicity. Based on whatever information I have, my perception of the likelihood that Robert is German is 3/4. In this case, 3/4 is my subjective probability that Robert is German. No partiality of truth is involved. A proposition is a carrier of information. In the above example, call it the Robert example, the information carried by the proposition "Robert is German" is precise but not entirely correct, that is, is partially true. When imprecision is related to partiality of truth with no uncertainty involved, it will be referred to as strict imprecision, or s-imprecision for short. As was noted already, there is no connection between s-imprecision and uncertainty. In more general settings, there may be a connection. The key to an understanding of this connection is the concept of information granulation (Zadeh 1997 ). Informally, a granule, A, in a space U is a clump of elements of U which are drawn together by indistinguishability, equivalence, similarity or proximity. The principal modes of information granularity are possibilistic and probabilistic. Intervals and fuzzy intervals are possibilistic granules. A Gaussian probability distribution is an instance of a probabilistic granule. The concept of nondeterminism is a special case of the concept of information granularity. A granular variable is a variable which takes granules as values. A singular variable is a variable which takes singletons as values. For example, Unemployment is a granular variable if its values are high, medium, low, etc. and it is a singular variable if its values are 7.8%, 9.3%, etc. A proposition is granular if it is a carrier of granular information, and it is singular if it is a carrier of singular information. For example, "Vera is middle-aged" is granular, while "Vera is 43 is singular." These concepts provide the basis for the key assertion: Uncertainty = Information Granularity. To define information granularity more precisely what is needed the concept of a generalized assignment statement or, equivalently, the concept of a generalized constraint (Zadeh 1986 , 1999 ). More specifically,a generalized constraint is an expression of the form X isr R, where X is the constrained variable, R is the constraining relation and r is an indexical variable whose values define how R constrains X. The principal constraints are possibilistic, probabilistic and veristic (verity = truth). No uncertainty is associated with veristic constraints. A key point is that there are many different kinds of generalized constraints and hence there are many different kinds of uncertainty. The principal modes of uncertainty are possibilistic, probabilistic and their combinations, e.g. possibilistic-probabilistic and probabilistic-possibilistic. The Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence, for example, is a theory of probabilistic-possibilistic uncertainty. Mixed modes of uncertainty are instances of second-order uncertainty, that is, uncertainty about uncertainty. An imprecise probability is an instance of second-order uncertainty. What is widely unrecognized is that in most realistic settings probabilities are imprecise. A basic misconception is that there is just one kind of uncertainty--probabilistic uncertainty. What is important to recognize is that, in large measure, different theories of uncertainty are not different theories about the same kind of uncertainty. Rather, they are theories of different kinds of uncertainty. In the Generalized Theory of Uncertainty (GTU) (Zadeh 2006 ) a unifying thesis is: Information=Generalized Constraint. In summary, the concept of uncertainty may be equated to the concept of information granularity. Imprecision is unrelated to uncertainty if it is strict. Imprecision is related to uncertainty if it is not strict, that is, if it involves granular information. A final point. In my message of April 27, 2009, I pointed out that the Bayesian definition of probability as the degree of belief fails to differentiate between imprecision, partiality of truth and uncertainty. This is a serious flaw. Comments are welcome. Regards to all and best wishes for the New Year. Lotfi --
    Lotfi A. Zadeh Professor in the Graduate School Director, Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC) Address: 729 Soda Hall #1776 Computer Science Division Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-1776 Tel.(office):               (510) 642-4959         (510) 642-4959 Fax (office): (510) 642-1712 Tel.(home):               (510) 526-2569         (510) 526-2569 Fax (home): (510) 526-2433 URL: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~zadeh/ BISC Homepage URLs URL: http://zadeh.cs.berkeley.edu/


    Dear BISC Members and Dear Prof. Lotfi Zadeh,

    Dear BISC Members and Dear Prof. Lotfi Zadeh,

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    Many Thanks


    A liar and an internet troll. A REPLY TO "ANONYMOUS" Email Sender or Commentor ("Commentor", no "commentors"),

    From our blog http://wseasonline.blogspot.com/ we learn:

    December 24, 2009

    A liar and an internet troll. A REPLY TO "ANONYMOUS" Email Sender or Commentor ("Commentor", no "commentors"),

    Dear WSEAS friends and members,
    It has come to our attention that there is some "anonymous" individual who sends emails to various WSEAS committees, prompting the committee members to resign their position, anonymously accusing WSEAS using outrageous and disgusting lies.
    This "anonymous" person has so far been falsely identifying himself as:

    1.  A former employee of the WSEAS (???)
    2.  A student who's been published by the WSEAS (!!!)
    3.  A president of WSEAS in his country. Most of you, you know these emails in 2006.
    4.  A receiver of WSEAS spam email, supposedly for keynote speeches - when, from www.wseas.org/reports,    we only feature keynote speakers in very few, major conferences
    5.  A WSEAS author who published a draft paper in WSEAS without registration (this is very funny)
    6. With the fake name "Sana" he says that our Books and Proceedings are not in ISI, but they are, Check them here

    Our response to this internet impostor (= Organizer of a Chain of Conferences outside the WSEAS) is as follows:

    All those things that you are saying are nothing but figments of your imagination. There is absolutely no way that you would have  a former employee of the WSEAS nor a student who's been published by the WSEAS
    nor a president of WSEAS in your country  nor a receiver of WSEAS spam email (supposedly for keynote speeches - when, from www.wseas.org/reports)
    nor would your draft paper have been published considering that you did not register
    nor ...

    dear "Conference Organizer" (outside WSEAS of course)
     You are a liar and an internet troll!

    Obviously, from your email IP, which was sent yesterday to all our email addresses,
    we know who you are and we know that you are also running a conference organizing business,

    You'd be better off taking care of your own conferences instead.
    We have never denied a "withdrawal" request for a paper, like you claim, and we have never published such a paper. This case has already been taken to our lawyers, since we know your IP and that you are a conference organizer too. Unfortunately, what you are doing harms you as well, because with those "anonymous" posts and emails of yours you are not only degrading our conferences, but all conferences in general. Therefore, you are not only defaming us, but also the whole conference world.
    Naturally, WSEAS has nothing to fear.
    You are the same anonymous person who every now and then shows up as:
    1.  a former employee of the WSEAS
    2.  a student who's been published by the WSEAS (!!!)
    3.  president of WSEAS in his country. Most of you, you know these emails in 2006.
    4.  a receiver of WSEAS spam email, supposedly for keynote speeches - when, from www.wseas.org/reports,    we only feature keynote speakers in very few, major conferences --check it
    in www.wseas.org/reports

    5.  a WSEAS author who published a draft paper in WSEAS without registration (this is very funny)
    6. With the fake name "Sana" he says that our Books and Proceedings are not in ISI, but they are, Check them here

    Really all the WSEAS Books and Proceedings are in ISI. The Journals are not though! We have never claimed
    that our journals were in ISI.

    Finally, we are also informed that you send the same defamation emails and posts to IEEE, ACM, IASTED etc. You will gain nothing with all those childish business of yours. On the contrary, you will soon find
    yourself answering to your country's justice system.
    Stop, now, otherwise you will see your NAME here.

    P.S. 1  With the fake name "Sana" he says that our Books are not in ISI, but they are, Check them here


    P.S.2 We have finished the present text when we received the following forward email from.Professor Cornelia Aida Bulucea
    Electrical Machines and Environment Engineering Department
    Faculty of Engineering in Electromechanics and Environment
    University of Craiova

     This "anonymous" individual makes attacks also to IEEE !!!!
    What is the background of these email attacks?

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Aida Bulucea" <
    To: "Prof. Nikos Mastorakis    " <
    Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2009 2:09 PM
    Subject: Fwd: Fw: Many University Web Pages consider that many IEEE
    Conferences are garbage.

    > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    > From: Gheorghe Manolea <
    > Date: 2009/12/24
    > Subject: Fwd: Fw: Many University Web Pages consider that many IEEE
    > Conferences are garbage.
    > To: Aida Bulucea <
    > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    > From: Werner Wourner <
    > Date: 2009/12/24
    > Subject: Fw: Many University Web Pages consider that many IEEE Conferences
    > are garbage.
    > To:
    fukuyo@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp, h.a.rakhshani@gmail.com,
    > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    > From: bowlleravner <
    > To:
    ftedesco@deis.unical.it, eng_monaeim@yahoo.com,
    eng_nader1981@hotmail.com, eng_nader1981@yahoo.com, eng_rashid@ieee.org,
    engabbas@hotmail.com, engalaa60@yahoo.com, engineer_barbod@yahoo.com,
    engineerbsaravanan@gmail.com, engineering.production@yahoo.com
    > Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 13:31:17 +0200
    > Subject: Fwd: NEW ! Many University Web Pages consider that many IEEE
    > Conferences are garbage.
    > forward this please to your colleagues, it must make the round of the
    > world
    > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    > From:
    > <
    > Date: 2009/12/23
    > Subject: NEW ! Many University Web Pages consider that many IEEE
    > Conferences
    > are garbage.
    > To:
    > *Many University Web Pages consider that many IEEE Conferences are
    > garbage.
    > Some of them consider that even in the IEEE Journals the review is quite
    > ridiculous and has only to do with your public relations in IEEE and its
    > conferences or if you have put as co-author
    > some important editor of IEEE*
    > See these link and examine the word: *unrefereed*
    > From
    > Forward this message to your mailing lists with reference to us
    > See also
    > --
    > Telefon  0744771432
    > Fax 0251534880
    > Adresa corespondenta :CP 609, OP 6 , Craiova


    Anonymous said...

    I have already informed my colleagues and I have attached this textoutside my office
    and our departmental notice board.

    Best Regards,


    Anonymous said...

    Dear Profesor Nikos Mastorakis    ,

    Thank you very much for your warm words, I am very proud of our friendship and I hope to see you soon. Until that moment I would like to express and send you my sincere wishes for the winter holidays.
    HAVE A NICE VACATION together with all dear family and friends.

    My Best Regards,


    Telefon 0744771432
    Fax 0251534880
    Adresa corespondenta :CP 609, OP 6 , Craiova

    GABRIELLA said...

    Dear WSEAS

    Thank you for informing us about those criminals
    I will participate in a WSEAS conference in the near future.
    Best regards



    Approximately each year about 4000 academicians attend the WSEAS Conferences and more than 4000 papers are published by WSEAS each year out of more than 13000 submitted papers. While from 13000 papers in WSEAS Conferences, approximately 5000 are approved and from them around 4000 thousand make registration and attend the congresses.

    Micuko Araki said...

    I know also who is him and I sent email to wseas-team@wseas.org

    He is quite idiot. WSEAS made the correct motion to give the review of the WSEAS Conferences in the collaborating universities.

    I am proud that I will go to the Harvard University for the WSEAS Conference next month

    Marija said...

    I said to our Rector that we are in a collaborative relationship, which is the truth, so our rector agreed to post both announcements, for Cambridge and Harvard too.

    Also, yesterday I’ve uploaded my CV to be reviewer for WSEAS.

    How are you?
    I hope that everything is OK for you and you family.

    I wish you all the best and kind regards from Bucharest,

    Aida said...

    I am very sorry, Nikos. In this world there are more and more evil people. They don't have ideas, they don't want to work, but they envy your brainstorming and your hard work. This is the spirit of Christmas?!

    Take care of yourself, Nikos, and don't pay attention to that impostor, he can't harm WSEAS!!! If I can help you with a bit of something, please, tell me!


    Anonymous said...

    I check the links in ISI. All the WSEAS conferences (100%) are in ISI. On the contrary, I found only a 2-3% of IEEE Conferences in ISI. For example, I participated in IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control in Greece several times and none of his Proceedings are in ISI. Of course, it is in IEEExplore. But IEEExplore is not an Index.

    University of Southern Denmark said...

    I am a colleague of the University of Southern Denmark and I will support the WSEAS for ever

    Owens said...

    I know that Prof. Mastorakis is one of the pioneers in Systems Theory (factorization, multidimensional systems and Polynomials). I have never attended a WSEAS conference, but I have published many good papers in the WSEAS Journals where I received very hard review

    Dr. Oscar B. said...

    I received also the email of "Sana"
    He told me that WSEAS published his paper without his agreement because his Paper was not in its final form.

    But I know that the registration is compulsory in WSEAS Conferences. So, "Sana" is absolutely impostor
    My mind goes to two possible people that behind "Sara".

    However, this "Sara" is idiot. How can WSEAS publish a paper that is not registered.
    "Sara" is a big impostor
    and I think I know his name

    Dr. Oscar B.

    BISC said...

    I will support also the WSEAS

    Anonymous said...

    I would like to compare the WSEAS Conferences with the ECC'07



    In WSEAS Conferences, if you submit 4 papers, it is sure that 2 of them will be rejected

    I sent 10 papers to this technically co-sponsored IEEE conference
    and they were accepted all.

    I received very funny review for example: improve the format of the paper and the like

    I will send you also email with more details

    Anonymous said...

    Sorry, my comment was trancated

    use this link
    and then click on the link
    "The Program of the Conference"

    So, this conference of ECC'07 accepted all of my papers, but in WSEAS for every 2 papers, 1 is accepted

    A. Alvarez said...

    Felices Fiestas!

    The service in WSEAS is the best of the best.
    I have just arrived from an IEEE Conference in Cairo, Egypt.

    It was nice and high quality. ALl the IEEE papers were very good. Some of them were important

    But they give us only a flash memory with the proceedings, but no book, no hard copy and the registration fees were higher

    Felices Fiestas!

    Anonymous said...

    I was in Rethymna Beach hotel in Crete, Greece twice, once in a WSEAS Conference and another time in IEEE.
    The WSEAS conference was organized by Prof. Nikos Mastorakis     while the IEEE was organized by Professor Billis from National Technical University of Athens. Both of them were quite good. However, I noticed that Prof. Billis refused to pay the bill for the conference banquet, because he claimed that the hotel overcharged him. For example Billis claimed that the IEEE had 200 people in the Banquet and the Hotel charged him for 230.
    I was in front of this scuffle. Ιt was a terrible brawl. We, as participants of this banquet of IEEE were annoyed by this scuffle. Why did the IEEE (Billis) refused to pay the Hotel for our expenses?
    and why didn't Prof. Billis and the hotel solve their dissidence inside some office.
    All the other were very good, both in WSEAS and in IEEE. Both conferences were excellent and I was happy that i participated

    Merry Christmas

    Michael said...

    Dear WSEAS

    Please, continue posting the comments of your members
    on the following web pages (the list of 2009 comments is not unpdated)


    From 2008: http://www.worldses.org/feedback2008.txt

    From 2007: http://www.worldses.org/feedback2007.txt

    From 2006: http://www.worldses.org/feedback2006.txt

    From 2005: http://www.worldses.org/feedback2005.txt

    From 2004: http://www.worldses.org/feedback2004.txt

    From 2003: http://www.worldses.org/feedback2003.txt

    From 2002, Part A' http://www.worldses.org/feedback_union.txt

    From 2002, Part B' http://www.worldses.org/impressions.txt

    From 2002, Part C' http://www.worldses.org/collection3.txt

    Shuchen Li said...

    Thank you for informing us about this guy. I phoned the office of WSEAS and they told me his name. It is a pity to bomb us with such SPAM. Also, I agree with the WSEAS policy not to publish his name.

    I assisted the WSEAS Conferences in Singapore in 2003 and I am proud because I had seen the list of participants with high rejection rate (almost 60% of the papers were rejected). This was my statistics as assistant in the WSEAS Secretariat in the hotel of the island Sentosa in Singapore 2003.

    Most of you, you remember me and I have some of my photos on the web

    I have visited also the WSEAS offices in Athens and I have worked with the WSEAS in some common research projects
    Shuchen Li

    Shuchen Li said...

    Actually this person was the same that annoyed us again last year

    At least he could hide his IP



    Maja said...


    I have just applied to join you
    in the WSEAS Facebook


    From now on, I will go only to WSEAS events

    I love you and I am fan of Nikos Mastorakis    


    Anonymous said...

    I am student at Université de Lyon, France

    I was in a recent IEEE/IMACS Conference organized recently. I do not want to report the congress because I do not want to offend the organisers.

    The difference with the WSEAS is that in WSEAS events I always receive 2 or 3 reviews from different , really independent, academicians and it is not difficult to have some failure (rejected paper).
    On the contrary in the IEEE/IMACS i sent 4 papers and passed all.
    My papers were good, but I did not receive any comment. The IEEE/IMACS was very nice, but they gave us only one CD-ROM, contrary to WSEAS that use to gives 3-4 volumes (hard-copy) in each of its conferences and of course 1 or 2 CDs and some complimentary copies from journals.
    The conference fees were the same, both in IEEE and in WSEAS.
    I think that the IEEE conference had more participants and had more luxurius hotel than the WSEAS.
    The IEEE had 5 star hotel, and the WSEAS had 4 Star.
    Maybe, the 4 star is more appropriate for students like me.
    Merry Cristmas

    George S. said...

    Do not fear with this "anonymous" fake email sender. I was in the committee of the WSEAS + Univ. Cambridge Conference two years ago and I received this email.
    You have 4000 - 5000 papers each year. They receive peer review and manmy times their papers are rejected. They enjoy your conferences (scientific plus organizational part) and they convey this image to their universities. You have 4000 - 5000 thousand accepted papers every year. If you multiply them by an average 3 (authors by paper), you have 15000 authors per year. They know the quality of your review and they diffuse the quality of your conferences to their friends and to their universities.

    This is the reason, that the premium Universities like Harvard, MIT, Cambridge, etc... organize conferences under the umbrella of the WSEAS

    Anonymous said...

    When we went to other conferences, nobody help us (travel arrangements, trip) but in WSEAS, we are a warm family. I had lost my wallet in a WSEAS conference in Rodos and the organizers supported me financially by paying my hotel. I have heard several stories about the WSEAS during this conference in Rodos. They help people financially, they gave 120000 EUR to tsunami victims 5 years ago by donating these money to philanthropic institutes and so on...
    If you know other similar stories, tell them,

    Anonymous said...

    Yes, this is true!

    WSEAS is very philanthropic and very honest.

    They helped also fiancially the victims of the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake in Abruzzo of Italy
    They sent money to the affected people and to their families. They offered 45000 EUR !
    Congratulations to WSEAS

    Janusz Kacprzyk said...

    Dear Nikos,
    I was so happy to meet you in Budapest and to see
    that you have received the Budapest tech highest
    I wish you and your family Merry Christmas (I hope
    that I am not late because of a later Christmas
    time in the Orthodox countries). Much health,
    prosperoty and happiness in the New Year. Please
    continue your gret work, we - the entire
    scientific community - need you in these difficult
    Warm wishes and regards

    Academician Janusz Kacprzyk
    Professor, Ph.D., D.Sc.
    Fellow of IEEE, IFSA
    President of IFSA (International Fuzzy Systems
    President of the Polish Society for Operational
    and Systems Research

    Systems Research Institute
    Polish Academy of Sciences
    ul. Newelska 6
    01-447 Warsaw, Poland

    Email: kacprzyk@ibspan.waw.pl
    Google: kacprzyk

    Phone:               + (48)(22)3810275         + (48)(22)3810275
    Fax: + (48)(22)3810103

    Cemil Tunc said...

    Dear WSEAS

    I wish you a happy Holiday Season and a healthy prosperous New Year, 2010.

    All the best, and with love,
    Cemil Tunc (Prof.)
    Department of Mathematics
    Faculty of Arts and Sciences
    Yuzuncu Yil University
    Tel.+432 225 1024-39/1266
    Van- Turkey

    Jesus Martinez-Frias said...

    Dear colleagues,

    Many thanks for your call regarding the WSEAS CSCC 2010 and the further information about the other numerous activities. It is a great pleasure for me to form part as a member of WSEAS and to have participated as a referee in 2009.

    I also have read the interesting interview in the Spanish newspaper ABC (Canary Islands)...

    Kind regards and Happy Holidays,

    Jesus Martinez-Frias


    Prof. Dr. Jesus Martinez-Frias
    Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC-INTA)
    Associated to the NASA Astrobiology Institute
    Ctra de Ajalvir, km 4, 28850 Torrejón de Ardoz,
    Madrid (Spain), Tel:               34-91-5206418         34-91-5206418, Fax: +34-91-5201621

    Dr Voropaeva Nadejda said...

    Dear WSEAS

    I agree with the WSEAS
    After passing through a hard working period in 2009, now is very close to the end of the year. Although next year has been expected to be a difficult
    year due to the consequence of economic crisis, I believe, based on our insistence of the passion on business education and research, we definitely will be able to overcome any barrier in front of us.
    Here, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family

    Merry Christmas and Prosperous Year of 2010.

    "Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of

    alue." - Albert Einstein

    Best Regards,

    Dr Ruban Igor and

    Dr Voropaeva Nadejda

    Mircea Grigoriu said...

    Dear Professor Mastorakis,

    I kindly ask you to excuse me for the following situation. I had an unexpected and very severe health problem in my family and I have not the permission to leave Bucharest. Please excuse me if I could not attend the conference in Athens next week. Already, I have to cancel all the arrangements for this travel.

    But, I am interested to have the proceedings and I hope we could arrange to pay the volume and to receive it with the next occasion.

    It would be a good opportunity to discuss about the conference of Bucharest.

    For the moment, I am keeping you inform on our last steps. We invited and have the positive replay of participation of a great part of rectors of universities of Romania. We invited them in order to set up a coherent program of WSEAS conferences in our country, applying for governmental funds. Also, I discussed with our rector, Professor Ecaterina Andronescu and with the dean of the Technological Faculty, Professor Gheorghe Amza to kindly ask you to establish a permanent WSEAS office in Bucharest, at the Politehnica University, following the IEEE example. Their office is in the Energy Faculty, in the Professor Mircea Eremia bureau. If you will agree the proposal, we could establish WSEAS office in my bureau and laboratory (which presently is a process of modernization with the KSB Pumps support).

    Sincerely yours,

    Mircea Grigoriu

    X. D. Zhuang said...

    Happy new year to you!

    Thanks for your help and support to me in the past days!

    I wish you and your family healthy and happy in the coming new year!

    I also wish our cooperation will continue and wish further progress in our cooperation!

    I apologize that I did not contact you and ask for your advice and instructions in recent
    months. In the second half of this year, I spent considerable time in the Remote Sensing
    Key Lab of Chinese Ministry of Education for some urgent project tasks as a visiting researcher.
    Now the project tasks have been accomplished. I wish our cooperation will continue.

    I will go on working hard for my post-doctoral research in WSEAS under your supervision.
    My initial idea about my post-doctoral thesis is "Physics-Inspired Advanced Image Processing Techniques",
    which will include our previous cooperation research work and new results in our following cooperation.
    I would like to know your opinion about my initial idea of my post-doctoral thesis.
    Do you agree and think it can be a proper topic for my post-doctoral thesis? Thanks!

    I will report new progress in my work to you, and submit our cooperation papers to you when new
    results are obtained.

    Looking forward to your reply!

    Best regards!

    X. D. Zhuang

    Dr. Shahram Javadi said...

    My Dear WSEAS

    I want to appreciate for all your helps and taking care bout my case. Thank you for paying my room charge in Tenerife, because I lost my money in the trip. You are a nice and kind man and one of the my best friends in my life. I hope we are the best friend in our life and cooperate with each other in many times in the future. I thank you again and I wish I could do in your response. I will send some photos in the conference with that link.

    HAPPY NEW YEAR and be health forever


    --Dr. Shahram Javadi,
    Ph.D., Electrical Engineering
    MOSHANIR, Azade University, Tehran, IRAN

    prof.dr.ing. Panaitescu Mariana said...

    Dear Collegues,
    Constanta Maritime University organize in september 2010 WSEAS Conference EG'1-"ENVIRONMENTAL and GEOLOGICAL SCIENCE and ENGINEERING ". We invite you to participate !

    Best regards,

    prof.dr.ing. Panaitescu Mariana
    Environmental Departement
    Constantza Maritime University
    Mircea cel Batrin street 104
    Constantza 900663 ROMANIA
    phone:               +40 241 664740         +40 241 664740
    mobile:               +40 755 047477         +40 755 047477 /               +40 740 322711         +40 740 322711
    fax: +40 241 617260

    Claudio Guarnaccia said...

    I wish again to the WSEAS family, my best wishes for a Happy New Year!

    Take care!


    Dr. Claudio Guarnaccia


    Physics Department
    Engineering Faculty
    University of Salerno

    Via Ponte don Melillo
    84084 - Fisciano (SA)

    Tel.:               +39 089 969356         +39 089 969356
                  +39 089 969596         +39 089 969596
    Fax: +39 089 965275

    Professor Stamatios Kartalopoulos said...

    Dear WSEAS,

    I wish you Happy New year with many successes, health and hapiness
    Best Regards
    Professor Stamatios Kartalopoulos
    IEEE Fellow
    University of Oklahoma,

    Calin Ciufudean said...

    Dear Professor Nikos Mastorakis    ,

    I posted on the announcement board of my department as well as in my laboratory the brochure for the WSEAS Conferences in Harvard.

    Best regards,
    Calin Ciufudean

    Biswa Nath Datta, IEEE Fellow said...

    Dear Nikos
    Congratulations for the WSEAS and warm greetings !!

    I am preparing my talk now and
    wondering how much time I shall have for my Key-Note talk and when
    it is scheduled.
    Biswa Nath Datta, IEEE Fellow
    Distinguished Research Professor
    Northern Illinois University
    Department of Mathematical Sciences
    De Kalb, Illinois 60115, USA
    Tel:              (815) 753-6759         (815) 753-6759 , Fax :(815) 753-1112
    E-mail : dattab@math.niu.edu

    Chisto Popov said...

    I fully agree with "Do not fear with this "anonymous" fake email sender. I was in the committee of the WSEAS + Univ. Cambridge Conference two years ago and I received this email.
    You have 4000 - 5000 papers each year. They receive peer review and manmy times their papers are rejected. They enjoy your conferences (scientific plus organizational part) and they convey this image to their universities. You have 4000 - 5000 thousand accepted papers every year. If you multiply them by an average 3 (authors by paper), you have 15000 authors per year. They know the quality of your review and they diffuse the quality of your conferences to their friends and to their universities.

    This is the reason, that the premium Universities like Harvard, MIT, Cambridge, etc... organize conferences under the umbrella of the WSEAS"

    also note that all the WSEAS Proceedings are in ISI!!!!
    This makes the WSEAS Conferences very prestigious.
    Unfortunately, the IEEE conferences have only a 2% of its conferences in ISI.

    On the other hand, the IEEE has its journals in ISI, but WSEAS not yet.
    It is not difficult for the WSEAS to register its journals in ISI and WSEAS must try.

    Another thing is that very few IEEE conferences have accepted fake papers recently. Try google
    IEEE fake paper
    IEEE garbage
    IEEE bogus

    Christo Popov said...

    Sorry, due to a typing error in my name,I am posting again my previous comment

    I fully agree with "Do not fear with this "anonymous" fake email sender. I was in the committee of the WSEAS + Univ. Cambridge Conference two years ago and I received this email.
    You have 4000 - 5000 papers each year. They receive peer review and manmy times their papers are rejected. They enjoy your conferences (scientific plus organizational part) and they convey this image to their universities. You have 4000 - 5000 thousand accepted papers every year. If you multiply them by an average 3 (authors by paper), you have 15000 authors per year. They know the quality of your review and they diffuse the quality of your conferences to their friends and to their universities.

    This is the reason, that the premium Universities like Harvard, MIT, Cambridge, etc... organize conferences under the umbrella of the WSEAS"

    also note that all the WSEAS Proceedings are in ISI!!!!
    This makes the WSEAS Conferences very prestigious.
    Unfortunately, the IEEE conferences have only a 2% of its conferences in ISI.

    On the other hand, the IEEE has its journals in ISI, but WSEAS not yet.
    It is not difficult for the WSEAS to register its journals in ISI and WSEAS must try.

    Another thing is that very few IEEE conferences have accepted fake papers recently. Try google:
    IEEE fake paper
    IEEE garbage
    IEEE bogus
    IEEE junk
    IEEE scam

    Xagorarakis said...

    I was these days in the WSEAS Conference in Vouliagmeni and the quality and the level was very high

    Anonymous said...

    Actually, this was the NAUN conferences www.naun.org that are in collaboration with the WSEAS.
    The conference was excellent.I noticed how many expenses the organizers had for us. Rich food, rich coffee-breaks and of course high quality presentations.
    I distinguish two Keynote Presentations. This of Prof. Mastorakis and this of Prof. Pardalos both pioneers in optimization

    Assoc. Prof. Catalin Cruceanu said...

    Distinguished Prof. Mastorakis,

    I wish you A Happy New Year 2010, good health, lots of successes and important achievements in your scientific activities, including all aspects regarding the WSEAS Organization.

    All the best for you and your family!

    I hope that we will keep in touch and, maybe, we will find common aspects and interests in order to develop future collaborations.

    I also hope that we will meet again in congresses, my four participations in WSEAS Congresses showing clearly, I hope, my interest.

    As I told you, in Tenerife was another success for you and for all of us, participants there. Nevertheless, when you will come again in Romania, do not hesitate to contact me.

    With all due respect,

    Assoc. Prof. Catalin Cruceanu

    Rolling Stock Engineering Department

    Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Transports

    University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest


    P.S. All the best and A Happy New Year 2010 for the entire WSEAS Team.

    From Nusa Tenggara Barat said...

    The WSEAS sent 120000 EUR to tsunami victims in Indonesia.
    None other society made it.
    The IEEE (Indonesia Chapter) did not help the Goverment.
    Only the WSEAS helped. This is
    the additive value of the WSEAS or this is the real academicians:

    Thank you WSEAS for sending us 120000 EUR for supporting the childrenn and homeless people
    after Tsunami of 2004

    Dr.S.C.Das said...

    To Prof. Nikos Mastorakis    
    Professor in the Technical University of Sofia, BULGARIA

    Dear Prof. Nikos



    Ex-Head, Hydro& Electrometallurgy Dept. &Director-Grade-Scientist

    Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar - 751 013 , INDIA

    Cecilia Reis said...

    Dear Professor Nikos Mastorakis    ,

    Congratulations for your HONORARY DEGREE in Budapest!

    And thank you very much for your kind reply.

    Best Regards,
    Cecilia Reis

    Anonymous said...

    It is a shame to him.
    I know that many conference organizers make attacks to other conference organizers from time to time.
    Hamid Arabnia president of WORLDCOMP sent us emails blaming WSEAS and in another email he reported some Fake IEEE Papers and Fake IEEE Conferences.

    Anonymous said...

    Dear WSEAS

    I learned about the WSEAS when i attended a conference in my University


    I met Prof. Mastorakis a pioneer scientist in Systems Theory and Optimization. He is a nice guy.
    I sent two very good papers in the WSEAS conferences in Tenerife, December 2009. However, the one was rejected. I asked financial support for the other one and the WSEAS granted.
    Thanks you WSEAS!

    Dr Ruban Igor said...

    Dear prof.Michael R. Sandberg!

    After passing through a hard working period in 2009, now is very close to the end of the year. Although next year has been expected to be a difficult
    year due to the consequence of economic crisis, I believe, based on our insistence of the passion on business education and research, we definitely
    will be able to overcome any barrier in front of us.
    Here, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family Prosperous Year of 2010.

    "Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of

    alue." - Albert Einstein

    Best Regards,

    Dr Ruban Igor and

    Dr Voropaeva Nadejda

    Anonymous said...

    I receive also an email from some "Mr. Diehimmelistschoen." with the follwoing content

    Subject: bogus conference IEEE -- bogus conferences IEEE

    More than 20 conference proceedings of IEEE have been published and
    have included
    BOGUS PAPERS. i.e. papers with random text. The IEEE did not re-print
    them. Why??

    Imagine how many HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of low-level and low-quality
    papers have been accepted
    in IEEE without quality control, without any kind of elementary

    Many Proofs and many blogs exist. First of all Nagib Callaos affair
    (conferences with the official
    approval and support of IEEE). It is a shame why all the bloggers of
    2005 fighted Nagib Callaos
    forgetting to fight the franchising systems of IEEE that supported
    Callaos and many other crappy (clown) conferences
    that have the stamp of IEEE!

    Now after the fake papers that numerous IEEE Sponsored events accepted
    in February of 2008, December 2008,
    January 2009
    some colleagues gathered all these IEEE Fake Conference Proceedings

    Anonymous said...

    Prof. PETRE DINI, the Creator and owner of IARIA spams blogs discrediting, defaming and accusing other conferences and journals!!! See the 6th and the 7th comment in our blog
    See details

    More specifically at



    Petre Dini said...
    While browsing the net, I found two more fake journals in Computer Science:

    (1) Computer Science Journals

    (2) International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) (http://www.ijcsi.org/)

    Petre Dini

    Forward and publish it in your blogs with a reference to us




    Prof. Arlindo Oliveira
    had two web pages:
    impeaches several other conferences!

    It is amazing how Mr. Professor Arlindo Oliveira imputes and offends
    many other conferences in order to attrack people in its own conferences!!!!!!

    By the way, we found that his conferences have high publishing fees!!!!!!!!!

    For example Oliveira organizes many conferences for example:



    and many others....

    but simultaneously, he makes attackes against other conference organizers.

    what a world!!!!



    Anonymous said...

    I visited:
    However, it is a shame for Arlindo Oliveira to organize some conferences
    with very high registration fees
    and at the same time to try to exterminate "his competitors"
    (as he feels)

    Sabah J said...

    This WSEAS journals are considered as one of the most valid and of high caliber journals and its contents are available for free on the internet to anyone that is interested (it is also printed in hard copy), while its publications are often referenced by other researchers (e.g. enter the word “Mastorakis” in http://scholar.google.com). Recent statistics showed that out of 100 articles, only 6.32 are approved, while the rest are rejected. In other words, only about 1 out of 20 articles gets approved.

    I am in a position to provide details by name (article titles – authors) even for the articles that have been rejected, and among those you will several names from even the best Universities of your country.

    No other criteria for publishing exist, other than the quality of the articles themselves.

    Also, as can be ascertained, those publications are included among the most valid and distinguished international indexes http://www.wseas.us/indexes/ such as SCOPUS, ELSEVIER, EI, ACM, American Mathematical Society, CSA, American Chemical Society, DEST, EBSCO, British Library etc.

    Anonymous said...

    To the previous commentor:
    Prof. Arlindo Oliveira
    had two web pages:
    impeaches several other conferences!

    It is amazing how Mr. Professor Arlindo Oliveira imputes and offends
    many other conferences in order to attrack people in its own conferences!!!!!!

    By the way, we found that his conferences have high publishing fees!!!!!!!!!

    For example Oliveira organizes many conferences for example:



    and many others....

    but simultaneously, he makes attackes against other conference organizers.

    what a world!!!!



    But it is worth to put this fact (ARLINDO OLIVEIRA) on Internet. Let's his participants know that he fight (non fair) against the other conferences. And this is fact that is true.

    Dan L said...

    I had the same experience. I received an email twice from some possible conference organizer with the fake name "Bank" and "Sana" and told me not to participate in IEEE conferences.

    I have not received any bad email against WSEAS, but I receive ridiculous emails AGAINST the IEEE from time to time

    I am sure that people that send emails against IEEE (or against WSEAS) run also their own conferences

    It is true that Arlindo Oliveira
    has two web pages:
    impeaches several other conferences
    Simultaneously he runs his own conferences:


    while he has main role as co-chairman in many many other events like

    This is the explanation.
    If i run my own conference, then I can easily blame and accuse conferences of all the others (like IEEE, like IASTED, like WSEAS)

    Do not worry. We will participate in the next WSEAS Conferences

    The WSEAS Conferences are always sponsored and organized by Universities. This is important

    These Universities are also responsible for the Review of the Papers as well as for
    the final technical program.

    I helped this procedure in Harvard in 2009 and I know

    Conferences with Harvard, MIT and University of Cambridge and many others are the flagship of the WSEAS

    Anonymous said...


    YES, you are true,
    many people that organize conferences, blame all the other conferences in order to catch ... more customers

    This is a shame for the academic world!

    ANTONIOU said...

    Be careful though!

    The IEEE Conferences have accepted fake (SCIgen) papers

    Try to find them via Google

    Anonymous said...

    I have received some emails also about fake IEEE conferences and I do not know who was the sender.

    Sidorenkov said...

    On the other hand, we have participated 3 times in IEEE Conferences and I did not receive any review. I think that all the conferences are the same....
    Do not be silly.

    Eva said...

    Hi Nikos,

    thank you very much for such kind answer. I will send you all demanded material until the end of January.

    If you like, look at the page http://lide.uhk.cz/fim/ucitel/milkoev1/en_index.htm, I have just added link to WSEAS conferences from my web-page. Most of my colleagues know WSEAS conferences and they have been sometimes attending them.

    Best wishes

    Prof.H.Wakamatsu said...

    Dear Professor Nikos Mastorakis    :

    It was such a nice meet with you in Vouliagmeni Beach, Athens Greece, December 29-31, 2009.

    I enjoyed very much not only the conference but also the sightseeing of historical ruins.
    For all, I am deeply impressed with your beautiful play of Cretan music instrument Lyra.
    I would like to upload the video of your play, which will be informed by later e-mail.
    In this occasion I would like to send you the URL-address of which I talked during the session.
    Please, try them. If you have something unclear, please ask me.

    1) How to use my system?

    2) The presentation in the conference, Vouliagmeni Beach

    3) What we tried in this domain?

    4) For the recreation and rehabilitation


    Best regards

    Tokyo Med. Dent. Univ.

    David Hecht, Ph.D. said...

    I am sure that your WSEAS conferences will be again successful and very interesting and I wish you the best.

    Thank you again and best regards,
    Dave Hecht

    David Hecht, Ph.D.
    Professor, Chemistry
    Southwestern College
    900 Otay Lakes Road
    Chula Vista, CA 91910
                  (619) 421-6700         (619) 421-6700 x5461

    John Robbins said...

    The WSEAS conferences have a permanent quality.
    The service is excellent and the level of presentation is exceptional.
    It is also great that the WSEAS guys inserted their Books and Proceedings in ISI. I participated in another conference 4 years ago, the proceedings were published by Springer Verlag and until they have not been included at any Index.
    So, the WSEAS takes cares of the Indexing of its publications in ISI, INSPEC, EI, Engineering Village, ASME, ACM, ASM more than Springer Verlag and other more historical Publishers

    ANTONIOU (again) said...


    Be careful though!

    The IEEE Conferences have accepted fake (SCIgen) papers

    Try to find them via Google



    NEWS for UNCERTAINTY. The discussion of our BISC today

    Dear Professor Deng Julong,

    It was a great honour to meet you at the IEEE International Conference on Grey Systems recently organised in Nanjing. Though I Iearned a lot from the speakers at the conference whose papers have been exemplarily published in the two-volume Proceedings, I'm still somewhat confused about the nature of the theory you are the celebrated founding father of, and - remarkably - the world outside the PRC and Taiwan is unfamiliar with.
    What I am particularly unable to think clearly about is how greyness differs from fuzziness, roughness, vagueness, and randomness. Metaphorically speaking, I would like to know whether these five states of being, or qualities, are the fingers and thumb of a shaky hand called 'uncertainty'. If they are, this hand may be worthy of further, perhaps philosophical investigation. In practical terms, when (meaning: in what kind of situations) is the theory of grey, fuzzy, rough, vague, or random systems, more suitable, and best to apply?
    In case you like to refer me to the fuzziness, roughness, vagueness, and randomness (probability) community for clarification on what their respective theoretical and practical positions are, I should be grateful if you could comment on the following thought experiment:
    Think of a standard size (A4) piece of black paper. Every second a white dot, roughly 1 millimetre in diameter, appears on the paper randomly. How long will it take for, say, five reasonable onlookers to agree that the colour of the paper has turned grey? If 'black' stands for unknown, and 'white' stands for known, how helpful can grey systems theory be in this situation?
    Grey systems are usually said to consist of partly known and partly unknown elements. However, if - contrary to reductionist belief - the parts cannot be known or understood unless the whole (the system), including its 'unknown elements', is taken into account (a conclusion complexity scientists and mereologists seem to have come to), then I wonder how firm the foundation of grey systems theory really is.
    I take the liberty of sending a copy of this letter to some experts in the various fields of uncertainty, feeling confident that they also look forward to reading your reply.

    Respectfully yours,

    Hans Kuijper, M.A.
    Joliotplaats 5
    3069 JJ Rotterdam
    The Netherlands


    Dear BISC

    I would like to expound upon Prof. Zadeh's insightful comments. He
    writes, among related gems, "A basic misconception is that there is just
    one kind of uncertainty--probabilistic uncertainty." This raises the
    question for me at least as to just how many types of uncertainty there
    are. I would expect that this number might be countably infinite and
    thus cannot be bounded above. This was suggested to me by certain
    results in the military study of "deception". I believe this is true
    because while concepts such as granularity tend to be for the most part
    domain general, there can be no finite number of ways to limit granular
    characterizations for an arbitrary domain. Equivalently, the fact that
    the truth value of an arbitrary statement is undecidable can only mean
    that the number or types of uncertainty is not finite because otherwise
    a contradiction would arise. Fast forwarding a bit, I suggest that if
    there were only a finite number of types of uncertainty, or equivalently
    only a finite number of possible granular characterizations for an
    arbitrary domain, then logics and predicate rules would be sufficient to
    capture all of the uncertainty inherent to the natural world. But, in as
    much as this cannot be, we are led by the hand to case-based
    characterizations and thus if one wishes to solve the CW and CW-related
    problems, one will never find the solution in any logic or first-order
    calculii. This can only be interpreted to mean that without
    learning(indemic to case-based methods and some others of course) one
    cannot solve the CW problem. I would like to conclude with the note that
    learning by definition must incorporate all of its derivatives (i.e.,
    learning how to learn). This means that any formal definition for
    intelligence differs from that proposed by Turing. Indeed, intelligence
    is not based so much on accumulated knowledge, but on "learning how to
    learn". I see all of this as flowing from Prof. Zadeh's commentary.
    Comments are welcome.


    Stuart Rubin, Ph.D.


    Tel.               (619) 553-3554         (619) 553-3554

    Fx. (619) 553-1130

    E. stuart.rubin@****

    Dear Professor Zadeh, Bisc group,

    It may be that probabilistic methods and fuzzy methods are complementary, because they are suited to different types of variability :

    * probabilistic methods deal with uncertainty in repeated experiments, where the event of interest is typically very precisely defined e.g. the probability of a physical system attaining a given temperature range, or to observe a given class of data in a future sample from a statistical distribution.

    * fuzzy logic applies to imprecise but useful definitions, where the clause of a logical statement is typically defined linguistically, e.g. hot vs. cold, or perceptually, e.g. ethinical origin.

    Confusion can arise when the the source of variation is not clearly linked to the choise of methodology.

    With kind regards and good wishes for the coming year,

    Paulo Lisboa

    Dear Prof.Zadeh and BISC members,

    I am writing this email with deep humility and profound gratitude.

    Time has come for me to say goodbye. I will fly back to Beijing this Saturday after one-year visiting in BISC, UC Berkeley.
    Even I stay here as a visiting scholar for only one year, this special exprience will be cherished in my memory for my lifetime.

    I would like to thank Prof.Zadeh for giving me such a great opportunity to visit BISC, as well as the guidance and insight you endowed us in BISC roundtable discussion and in email and the new ideas and new theories you contributed to the scientific community.

    I would like to take this chance to thank all BISC members as your ideas also inspired me a lot either in face-to-face disccusion or in email.
    Now, we are in a great family whose name is BISC. Whenever you come to Beijing for meeting or for vocation, please contact me. I will be very glad to meet you, show you around in Beijing and welcome you to give a talk in my University(Beijing Jiaotong University).

    Let us wish our beloved Prof. Zadeh health, Soft computing thrive and Friendship forever!


    Beijing Jiaotong Universiy

    Email: dwchen@****